免费英文课 (Free English Lessons)
新修 (revised) July 29, 2020
Announcement:My free English class has restarted. Classes are held sporadically at 8 p.m. Beijing Time most often on Thursdays, sometimes Fridays, or whenever I feel like it..
Classes now use QQ software. If you do not know my QQ ID, please send me an email.
************************************* 免费英文课程QQ 电话课程表: 风之歌 QQ 通话的时间与日期: 晚上20:00,北京时间 ************************************* 阅读、探讨及发音纠正,60分钟; 讨论的议题:正常的英文的Windsong《风之歌》-----自传 具体时间依情况稍作调整,此站内容定期更新,敬请关注! QQ call 课程详细内容。 ************************************* 晚上20:00北京时间: 阅读材料: “Windsong”第一本书“Windsong”。“Windsong”描写从1952年到1970年我的毕生。 只有在经要求、并且在通话中的时候,才可以得到。 时间分配: 从20:00 到20:30我来读,你们听并可以提问题。 从20:30 到21:00同学们轮流读。 你可以读或听(自己选择),我们会练习困难的单词。 *********************************** 所有的话题是可以改变的,所以有时候有人建议不同的话题。 ************************************* To purchase a copy of my autobiography visit my Windsong page: Windsong: (1952-1970), 85pp. Ode to a Cold Night: (1970-1975), 145pp. |
Reading material: Windsong. For the first 30 minutes, I will read. You can listen and ask questions. For the second 30 minutes, sStudents take turns reading. You can listen and ask questions. You can read or listen (your choice). We practice difficult words. ************************************* QQ call curriculum summary: Read, explore and correct pronunciation, 60 minutes; Topics discussed: normal English reading of my autobiography, Windsong Minor adjustment to the specific time depending on the circumstances, this site is periodically updated, so stay tuned! The calls and lessons are free if you use QQ for free (most people do) and the reading material is free to my students. There is one downside. The calls are limited to the first 24 people who ask to attend the lessons. People come and go in the class, so I often create a new group once or twice a month. The lessons are on a first come, first serve basis. Summary: Since 2009, I've been teaching English on the internet using Skype (2009 to 2017) or QQ software (2018 and beyond). The software is free and the lessons are free. At first, I experimented with various methods. Over time, I realized my Chinese (and other) students mostly want to practice listening to natural spoken English and have a chance to have me correct their pronunciation After trying several methods, I found it works best if I read for 30 minutes. I often stop and ask if there are questions. While answering questions we discuss various aspects of life in the United States. During the second 30 minutes, I ask the students to read a paragraph at a time. Some only listen because they are shy or do not have a microphone. That's ok. My goal is to let the students do what they want, listen only, ask questions, or read. One major question was What shall I read? That was fairly easy to answer. As a writer I write books. Mostly, we have used my autobiography titled Windsong. I started writing Windsong in 1981 and it has grown to more than 300,000 words covering my life from 1952-1995 and beyond. It is still being written. I start classes with Chapter 1 of the first book of Windsong (also called "Windsong"). My Chinese friends seem to enjoy hearing my stories of American life, so I keep on writing. Follow-up notes: I reserve the right to cancel classes when I am busy or in China. For example, I cancelled classes for most of 2014 and 2015 before and during my first trips to China, and in the summer and fall when life got too busy. |