04 — Sedgehead
Philip E. Hyatt, professional writer and editor, biologist and ecologist
Professional editing
(Revised June 19, 2023)
Need a resume or research paper edited to improve the English? You've come to the right place! I'm a professional field ecologist and botanist specializing in the genus Carex who has years of experience as a writer and editor. If you can write English, but journals are not satisfied with the quality of your writing, I can improve it for you.
Philip E. Hyatt
If you prepared a resume, but you're worried about the quality of your English, we can polish it off for you. Even if you only write in Chinese, we work with a network of translators in mainland China and can translate your Chinese to fluent English. Our colleagues work with a wide variety of clients, so we can handle contracts, business letters, and a wide variety of documents. We can quote rates on request.
Fees for editingWe calculate our fees in RMB because most of our individual clients are from mainland China. Other currencies are converted to RMB using www.google.com such as searching on “convert 100 USD to RMB. We can accept RMB, USD, and on Paypal USD or Euros (or other currencies accepted by Paypal). We do not use Alipay, which would cost us $1000 per year as non-Chinese nationals owning a business, based on the last time we attempted to use Alipay.
STUDENT discount: 40%; requires two week deadlines but I can often work faster.
PER PAGE fee: RMB 65 per page.
One page is 250 words, a standard in editing and publishing.
Student per page fee: RMB 39.